Body focussed repetitive behaviours
Compulsive behaviours:
Body-focused repetitive behaviors may include any repetitive self-grooming behavior that involves biting, pulling, picking, or scraping one’s own hair, skin, or nails that results in damage to the body. While most people engage in one or some of these behaviors to a certain degree, an individual may want to seek help and support if the behavior begins to limit their life in some way, feels out of control, causes physical damage, or is causing social impact.
Some of the common disorders are:
Dermatophagia – (skin eating) often occurs amongst patients with onychophagia. Dermatophagia behaviors include biting the cuticles or fingers, and digesting scabs or skin (usually as a result of skin picking disorder). Oftentimes, lip, cheek, and tongue biting are also considered dermatophagia.