Creating A Vision For The Future
Establishing your values
Values can be defined as the principles in our life from which we derive meaning and fulfilment. They form our belief system that tells us what is right and what is wrong so that when we live a life in line with our personal values, we can feel good about ourselves.
Those values can be used to determine our priorities and our decision making.
So, ask yourself “In what way has your addiction contradicted your personal value system?”
By reclaiming and recommitting to our personal value system, we can get back in touch with the things that give meaning and purpose to life.
Below is an exercise to help consider some common personal values. The list is by no means exhaustive so working through it may trigger additional values that are of more importance – just add them to the list.
Please go through the list and tick the 10 or more values that are most important to you and then rank them in order of importance and priority – where 1 is the most important.
Value List
Order ( to have a life that is well-ordered and organised)