Diaphramatic Breathing
The vagus nerve system acts to counterbalance the fight or flight system and can trigger a relaxation response in our body. It is one of the cranial nerves that connect the brain to the body. The vagus nerve is a major part of how our bodies and brains function; without it, our bodies wouldn’t be able to do basic tasks, and by stimulating it we can receive powerful health benefits.
One of the main ways that you can stimulate the healthy function of the vagus nerve is through deep, slow belly breathing. You can learn to use breathing exercises to shift your focus away from stress or pain. The human mind processes one thing at a time. If you focus on the rhythm of your breathing, you’re not focused on the stressor.
The moment we anticipate stress in any form, most of us tend to stop breathing and hold our breath. Breath holding activates the fight/flight/freeze response; it tends to increase the sensation of pain, stiffness, anxiety, or fear. To practice deep breathing inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth remember to:
Diphragmatic Breathing – Belly breathing
About 20 minutes of “belly breathing” each day can help reduce stress and anxiety.
Find COMFORTABLE PLACE TO SIT OR LIE DOWN – for example try sitting in a chair, sitting cross legged, or lying on your back with a small pillow under your head and another under your knees:
1/ Place one hand on your upper chest and the other hand on your belly, below the ribcage.
2/ Allow your belly to relax, without forcing it inward by squeezing or clenching your muscles.
3/ Breathe in slowly through your noes. The air should move into your nose and downward so that you feel your stomach rise with your other hand and fall inward (toward your spine)
4/ Exhale slowly through slightly pursued lips. Take note of the hand on your chest which should remain relatively still.
After a few times try and introduce the 4-7-8 breathing technique.
It’s based on an ancient yogic technique called pranayama, which helps practitioners gain control over their breathing.
Breathing techniques are designed to bring the body into a state of deep relaxation. Specific patterns that involve holding the breath for a period of time allow your body to replenish its oxygen. From the lungs outward, techniques like 4-7-8 can give your organs and tissues a much-needed oxygen boost.
Relaxation practices also help bring the body back into balance and regulate the fight-or-flight response we feel when we’re stressed. This is particularly helpful if you’re experiencing sleeplessness due to anxiety or worries about what happened today — or what might happen tomorrow. Swirling thoughts and concerns can keep us from being able to rest well.