Socratic Questions Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 6 Sacratic questioning also helps the client to break out of their closed system of rigid patterns of thinking into a more flexible and open way of looking at their own experiences. It is important for CBT therapist to restrain themselves from doing too much of the thinking for the client. The idea of CBT is that the client is encouranged to work, to reflect on their own beliefs, and to figure out for themeselves what they are doing wrong, rather than being spoon-fed answer by the therapist. One of the most typical questions posed by CBT practitioners about the negative thoughts is: "What evidence is there for the belief?" Socratic questions are sometimes divided into three broad categories in CBT: 1. What is the evidence for and againts that belief? 2. What are the alternative interpretations of the event of situation? 3. What are the real implications, if that belief is correct? Below is an anthology of Socratic Questions, taken from the CBT literature and other sources. (As per classroom handout) Next Logic Is that belief completely rational and logical? *Where is that conclusions written down or carved in stone? *What reason is there to believe that statement? Is that a valid reason? *Is this logical? What thinking errors might you be making? *PreviousNext Empiricism Where is the evidence for your belief? *What evidence is there for and against that belief? *Is your belief 100% accurate and realistic? *How true is that statement, as a percentage? What prevents if from being 100% true? How do you know it's not 0%? *Speaking completely objectively, is that statement true or false? *If you completely strip away any value judgement or embellishments, what are the bare facts you're left with? *PreviousNext Pragmatism Where is this thought or attitude getting you? *Is your belief helping you to attain your goals? *Is your current belief goal focused and problem solving? *What are the consequences of telling yourself that? *What would be a more constructive or helpful belief? What would happen if you believed that 100%? *If you had thought PC instead, how would you have felt? *What would be a more helpful way of looking at things *What would be a more constructive way of dealing with the situation? *PreviousNext Pragmatism Are you confusing a thought with a fact? *PreviousNextFull Name *FirstLastE-mail *Submit25816