The Defectiveness
The Defectiveness Questionnaire
If you have any 5’s or 6’s on this questionnaire, this lifetrap may still apply to you, even if your score is in the low range.
No man or woman could love me if he/she really knew me.
I am inherently flawed and defective. I am unworthy of love.
I have secrets that I do not want to share, even with the people closest to me.
It was my fault that my parents could not love me.
I hide the real me. The real me is unacceptable. The self I show is a false self.
I am often drawn to people—parents, friends, and lovers—who are critical and reject me.
I am often critical and rejecting myself, especially of people who seem to love me.
I devalue my positive qualities
I live with a great deal of shame about myself.
One of my greatest fears is that my faults will be exposed.
and interpret your answers with the following:
10-19 Very Low. This lifetrap probably does not apply to you.
20-29 Fairly low. This lifetrap may only apply occasionally.
30-39 Moderate. This lifetrap is an issue in your life.
40-49 High. This is definitely an important lifetrap for you.
50-60 Very high. This is definitely one of your core lifetraps.
The Experience of Defectiveness
The emotion that is most connected to the defectiveness lifetrap is shame. Shame is what you feel when your defects are exposed. You will do almost anything to avoid this feeling of shame. Consequently you go to great lengths to keep your defectiveness hidden.
You feel that your defectiveness is inside you. It is not immediately observable. Rather, it is something in the essence of your being—you feel completely unworthy of love. In contrast to the Social Exclusion lifetrap, which concerns superficial or observable characteristics, Defectiveness is an inner state. While we usually know fairly quickly whether someone has a Social Exclusion lifetrap, Defectiveness is not so obvious. Certainly it is one of the most common lifetraps, but it is often hard to detect. Because your imagined defect is internal—unseen—you suffer even more from the terror of being exposed.
Almost half our patients have Defectiveness as one of their primary lifetraps. However, on the surface, these patients look very different. Each copes with feelings of shame in different ways. Some lack confidence and look insecure (Surrender). Some look normal (Escape). And some look so good you would never believe they had the lifetrap (Counterattack).
Alison is an example of someone who surrenders to her sense of defectiveness. She is in touch with feelings of being inherently flawed.
ALISON: I have always felt there is something wrong with me, deep inside where no one can see. And that I would live my whole life without anyone loving me.
THERAPIST: When you think of someone loving you, how does it feel?
ALISON: It makes me cringe.
The Origins of the Defectiveness Lifetrap
Someone in your family was extremely critical, demeaning, or punitive toward you. You were repeatedly criticised or punished for how you looked, how you behaved, or what you said.
The Defectiveness lifetrap comes from feeling unlovable or not respected as a child. You were repeatedly rejected or criticised by one or both of your parents.
Defectiveness is a global feeling. It is the sense of being unworthy of love. You felt so flawed or inadequate that even your parent could not love you or value you for who you are.
You almost certainly felt that your parent was right to criticise you, devalue you, reject you, or not give you love. You felt that you deserved it. As a child, you blamed yourself. Everything happened because you were so worthless, inadequate, flawed, and defective. For this reason, you probably did not feeling angry about the way you were treated. Rather, you felt ashamed and sad.
Parents who give rise to the Defectiveness lifetrap are usually punitive and critical. There may be physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Defectiveness and Abuse often go hand-in-hand. While it is possible for a child who is abused to feel that it is unfair and to be angry without feeling defective, that is seldom the case. Far more often, the child accepts responsibility. The child feels guilt and shame.
Many children find some way to make up for their feelings of defectiveness. This is where the lifetrap starts to blend with Entitlement and Unrelenting Standards. Many people who have grown up being criticised and made to feel defective compensate by trying to be superior in some area. They set high standards and strive for success and status. They may act arrogant and entitled. With money and recognition, they try to allay that inner feeling of defectiveness.
It is very important to realise that the Defectiveness liferap is not usually based on a real defect. Even people who have serious physical or mental handicaps do not necessarily develop this lifetrap. The crucial factor is not the presence of a defect, but rather how you are made to feel about yourself by your parents and the other members of your family. If you are loved, valued, and respected by your family members—regardless of your actual strengths and weaknesses—you will almost certainly not feel worthless, ashamed, or defective.
Danger Signals While Dating
Defectiveness Lifetraps
You allow your partner to criticise you, put you down, or mistreat you.
Changing your Defectiveness Lifetrap
“Having a secret is isolating.” Try, as much as possible, not to hide your flaws or perceived differences.”
― Jeffrey E. Young, Reinventing Your Life: The Breakthough Program to End Negative Behavior…and Feel Great Again
“Once you can open yourself up to the idea that your defectiveness is not a fact, the healing process can begin to work.”
― Jeffrey E. Young, Reinventing Your Life: The Breakthough Program to End Negative Behavior…and Feel Great Again