Relapse Prevention Strategies
R. U. N.
Remove yourself immediately
Undistort your thinking
Never forget what you have to lose.
RUN for at least 20 minutes and focus on something else. Have a kit-bag ready of things
you can do. Podcasts, TED talks, Tetrus, computer games, audio books, play list, phone
someone. Whatever you can access easily in a place where you may be triggered.
Porn protection: Most popular Qustodio and Covenant eyes. Tracker and Blocker
Meaningful password, pin numbers, screen savers
Emergency stops/First aid kit – photos, letters from loved ones, symbols that give
your life meaning, inspirational sayings, special music, contact numbers of support
people, picture of yourself as an innocent, voice message from loved ones.
New Routines – Every morning look in the mirror, eyeball to eyeball and tell yourself what
you need to hear. Mindfulness.
Letter to self, to partner, to children. Record it so you can watch yourself reading to you.
Take one day at a time
Break the bubble